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Press Release

(Contact information at end.)

For Immediate Release Wednesday, June 20, 2001:

Listener Coalition Asks BBC For More Dialogue

The Coalition to Save the BBC World Service (www.savebbc.org) has sent a letter to World Service Managing Director Mark Byford thanking him for his "willingness to respond" to its concerns and suggesting "further dialogue" to reach a better solution that ensures continued availability of the World Service throughout North America and Australasia via a range of methods that includes shortwave radio.

The letter, dated 16 June, responds to an appearance by Mr. Byford on the World Service's Newshour program on 15 June, answering concerns voiced by Ralph Brandi, a Coalition representative, on the program. The letter acknowledges "the challenges involved in attempting to efficiently and effectively deploy transmission resources", but states that "the complex interplay of these various delivery methods has not progressed to the point that any one or combination of these can serve as an effective replacement for another."

The Coalition letter cites "[s]potty FM rebroadcasts, incompatible direct-to-user digital satellite services that are not yet available and a predominately un-portable Internet...underscored by the dramatically increased expense listeners are being asked to shoulder to access the BBC" as evidence that "shortwave needs to remain in the mix of delivery methods if the World Service is still to be heard effectively in North America and Australasia." The letter calls this continued need for shortwave "short term" and expresses support for the Corporation's efforts to make the World Service available through additional means.

The Coalition says it seeks "opportunities for further dialogue" with Mr. Byford and suggests that its widespread membership across the affected regions of people devoted to the World Service "could be of considerable value" to the BBC as it pursues its objectives.

The letter concludes, "This Coalition was formed--first and foremost--out of the strong respect and admiration that its members have for the BBC World Service... It is apprehension over the prospective loss of this valuable resource that has caused us to raise these concerns with you. We hope for the opportunity to continue the dialogue you began on Newshour on Friday and remain hopeful for a solution that preserves and extends that which we both evidently hold in such high esteem."

For More Information Contact:

United States

John Figliozzi
Phone-Days (1215-2130 UT/0815-1730ET) +1 (518) 473-5264 (has voice mail, leave message)
Phone-Evenings (2230-0200 UT/1830-2200ET) +1 (518) 383-0796 (has answering machine)
E-mail: jfiglio1@nycap.rr.com or jfiglio@hotmail.com
Richard Cuff
Phone-Days (0830-1730ET/1230-2130UTC) +1 610 320 6111 x3123 (voice mail available)
Phone-Evenings (1900-2200ET/2300-0200UTC) +1 610 706 4593 (answering machine available)
Fax: +1 (707) 313-2458
E-mail: rdcuff@sprintmail.com


Sheldon Harvey, President, Canadian Int. DX Club
Phone: +1 (450) 671-3773, during business hours, 1300-2100 UT/0900-1700 ET.
E-mail: cidxclub@yahoo.com
Mailing address: P.O. Box 67063-Lemoyne, St. Lambert, Quebec J4R 2T8 CANADA
